Let's Get Started

Make An Appointment

Whether you’re embarking on your mental health journey or exploring weight loss solutions, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Scheduling an appointment is your first step toward a healthier, happier you.

Psychiatric Services

New Patient

This is where personalized mental health care begins. If you’re considering a psychiatric evaluation, you’ve already taken a crucial step towards understanding and improving your mental health. Our compassionate team is here to support you.

Current Patients

If you’re a valued member of our community and it’s time for your follow-up appointment, you’re in the right place. Scheduling your follow-up is quick and easy, ensuring you stay on track with your mental health journey.

Weight Loss Services

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are some of the most promising new weight loss drugs to hit the market. They are a once weekly injection which have been providing dramatic weight loss results and ideal for patients who have anywhere from 20-50 pounds to lose. Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are powerful appetite suppressants and when compounded with L-carnitine and can help you lose weight with other lifestyle changes.